Yosemite Extreme Panoramic Imaging Project


Yosemite Valley experiences numerous rockfalls each year, with over 600 rockfall events documented since 1850. Due to the pulverization of the rockfall mass, evaluating and quantifying rockfall characteristics has proved challenging without any high-resolution baseline imagery of the Valley walls, which could act as a useful datum for before/after comparisons. Continue reading “Yosemite Extreme Panoramic Imaging Project”

FullDome Theatre Production

dome_banner_02Digitally projected full dome theaters are a new and growing form of immersive cinematic presentation for small audiences. There are thousands of these theaters worldwide (see an incomplete list here), and many are domed planetariums that have been retrofitted w/ high resolution digital projectors that “stitch” multiple projections together into one large surround image, allowing very high resolutions at 4 or 8k. Continue reading “FullDome Theatre Production”